Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Costume Party at Moms Group

Our moms group had a costume party this morning and it was a blast... whats better than a bunch of kids running around in costumes and face-paints, high on candy ;o) Ha!!! So here are a few photos from the morning.
Aren't these twins cute in their tutus :o)
 Group shot....
 Making goodie bags

 Me and my boys... so crazy and so cute...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

12 days in a row...

Yep, thats how many days Bryan has worked... in a row... Fortunately for my sanity {and his} today is day 12... yeah!!! Here are a few photos from the last week or so...
 I sewed jeans for the first time this week....took some photos from my other blog, but snapped a couple of cute brother ones in the process... and a good meltdown one {above!} Thursday night I got up in the middle of the night to take advantage of a three hour photoshop sale that a website was having. It was for a bunch of photoshop actions, which are pretty much just tools to help make photos more awesome... these photos here are straight off my camera, if you want to see the edited ones playing around with my new tools, check out my craft blog. There is also lots more photos of the jeans there too :o)
 While we were out photograhing the jeans.... we found a friend to play for a bit..

 some fingerpainting fun?
 The boys spent some of their savings this week. Max bought a Dusty air plane and Jack bought a bunch of superhero lego mini figures... they sell the off brand legos here so he got a bunch for not so much....

Happy weekend!!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday Off...

Jack had today off of school... so we partied it up with our friends at IKEA...it was a really fun morning. here are few photos from our morning...
 Only at IKEA... elk meat :o)

and last week we went on a family bike ride... I don't think I ever posted any photos. We biked 5 miles, had lunch, then biked home. Jack rode the whole way, he did so great. Max biked a mile, then we locked up his bike and on the way home he biked the last mile.

and a few other random photos
 We got this suitcase free from the grocery store... we collected enough stamps in the last six months to "earn" it.

 My Starbucks date :o)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

ICS Walk-a-Thon and Fall Festival 2013

Today was the annual Walk-a-Thon and fall Festival at ICS... it was a beautiful day {a little warm} but we still had a blast. The morning started with prayer, worship and the walk... Not sure how long walk was.. maybe a mile and a half. I walked with my two boys and our little friend Josiah. The kids did great until the very end ;o) Max lost it then... we had some lunch, the played the games, threw sponges at dad, dunked him in the dunk tank and enjoyed free ice cream. It was a fun day of friends, fellowship and fun!

not a great day for getting kids to look at the camera... oh well... fun times :o)


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