Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What we did: Tuesday!

7:15 Max and I are up, check e-mail, do dishes wait for Jack to get up, eat breakfast

7:45 Jack is up, dress the boys, make toast for Jack, dress for run

8:05 out the door for a run, 3.5 miles. I let Jack ride his bike for a while afterwards

9:30 back home. Prep some food for dinner tonight, feed Max and Jack a snack.

10:00 call, then skype with my parents, so nice!

10:30 put max down for a nap, shower, sort laundry and put clean clothes away, make lunch for Jack.

11:15 read books to Jack

11:40 Jack goes down for a nap, I spend time on the computer

12:00 jack asks to get up, not tired yet, silly boy :o) I work on a pattern I am making and eat lunch while Jack hangs with me.

12:25 Jack back in bed. Max still sleeping!!! Devotions, time on computer, mop the floor, prep for dinner, work on pattern (watch some Master Chief while working)

Around 1:00 Max woke up. I was able to finish my work, then spend some fun time with him this afternoon. We tried to work on crawling, but no progress :o)

2:30 Jack woke up, had to search everywhere for a missing car… he took two to bed, and only had one when he woke up. Went outside to mail a letter, play with chalk and wait for our friends coming over to play

3:30 friends Valarie and daughter Lela arrive. We play at home for awhile, then head out to the pool. Spend a relaxing hour watching the kids play… good talks! Max slept in the stroller while we were at the pool.

Max napping at the pool.
5:30 back home, start pizza dough for dinner, get Jack changed back into clothes, say good bye to friends. Work on dinner, Jack watches Thomas the Train for a few minutes. Max is crabby while I try to finish up dinner.

6:30 Bryan arrives home with friends who are coming to dinner. Dana, Tad and Ken are over for the evening. Dinner is pizza, salad and chocolate cookies.

8:30 everyone gone, Jack still wants to go out and kick the ball. Bryan takes him out. Max and I clean up the kitchen, then work on this blog post.

9ish we will put the boys to bed. Bryan and I will probably veg in front of the show Parenthood which we taped this evening…. Another day!

1 comment:

grandmashredder said...

Almost feel like Im there with you. cant wait to see what we are doing tomorrow.


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