Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our Life: Day 2, Tuesday

5:58:Mama! Oh yikes, an early start to the day… Jack is also stirring, but as I take Max out of the room I tell Jack its really early and he should go back to sleep (sometimes this works!). Max and I lay in my bed…
6:15 We hear Jack get up, use the bathroom and head out to play with his train track, Max hurries to follow. I lay in bed and try to close my eyes for five more min :o)
6:25 I hear max bouncing a ball on the floor (which the neighbors below don’t like, ESPECIALLY at this time of day) so I get up and take the ball away, a few tears, but then we move on. I play trains with Jack, I get to be Harvey the rescue train!
7:00 check e-mail, facebook and my blogs
7:15 Read a few books to Jack, Max empties the art drawer.
7:30 breakfast for the boys, clean up the art supplies.
7:50 start Jillian workout video
8:20 Put max down for a nap
8:50 finish dvd, breakfast for myself, shower, dress boys
9:30 leave for moms group, which meets just down in our clubhouse. Moms have a speaker on marriage and the kids run like crazy in the playroom. Fun for everyone!
11:30 return home, boys watch Thomas the train while I catch up with Bryan on the phone, and make a booking for a dance class for tomorrow night. Also, return a few e-mails, pay credit card bill.
12:00 eat lunch, there is leftover pizza, but boys aren’t really hungry, they ate too many snacks with their friends. Hard boil some eggs, peel and slice a bag of carrots for snacks. Find Max’s pizza left on the car ramp..:o) Sew for a few minutes.

1:00 play trains with Jack and Max

1:15 cover the window in the boys bedroom with a sheet (hoping it will help max sleep in the morning). Tell Jack a train story and put the boys down for a nap
1:30 Sew… I’m participating in a kids clothing week sewing event and haven’t sewed any clothes yet (I’ve been working on a gift) So, this afternoon I’m making Max a pair of shorts. Finished Maxs shorts and added final touches to the ones I made last week for Jack.
3:45 boys took a nice long nap!! Max wakes up super cranky, screaming and unhappy, I can’t figure out what he wants.. so we decide to head outside for a picnic snack and playtime at the little park here. Max is much better outside. fun time outside. I also snap a few pictures of the new shorts I made the boys. Needed photos for my blog post.

5:00 home. Check e-mail. Boys play. Straighten up before we leave for dinner with friends. Talk to Bryan on the phone while sautéing chicken for tomorrow. Finish up my sewing project. Change poopy diaper.
5:50 out the door to meet Bry for dinner. Jack bike to meet him at the train station then we walked the rest of the way. We met several other friends at a Thai restaurant. It was delicious!!!
8:00 left dinner to bike/walk back home
8:40 arrive home, give the boys a quick shower, a little snack, and get them ready for bed.
9:00 Bryan puts the boys to bed, reads from Jacks Bible while I am posting this. Bryan didn't sleep well last night and Maxs schedule is making me tired, so we won't be far behind the boys...good-night!

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