Wednesday, February 24, 2010

my new blog

just wanted to let you know that I have started a new blog just for me (Emily). So I can share some of the projects that I have been working on. I've linked it under our picture on this blog if you want to check it out! enjoy....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Malaysia, truely Asia...

At least thats what the ads always claim :o) We really did enjoy our time there though! We took a ton of pictures, so here is just a sampling of our time over the last week.

On the way to our beautiful and remote island location we had to spend a night in KL (Kuala Lumpur) The hotel that I had booked for the night was mistakenly reserved for Jan 15th, not feb (opps), so we made it work :o)We were able to go into the city for an enjoyable evening as well.
Here we are arriving at the island/hotel. The Perhentian Islands are two islands off the coast of Malaysia. Also, a few shots around our beach. Jack and Bryan are standing on the porch of our little cottage.

This little island had some great wildlife, which we took in as we did some hiking every day. There were trails though the jungle which led to other beaches and hotels. We were VERY startled to come around the corner and see several large lizards (bigger than Bryan!) in this garbage pile.

There wasn't much to do, except enjoy the beautiful beach and water. We really enjoyed play with Jack and relaxing by the water.
One afternoon Jack crawled up on my lap and was asleep within seconds, I guess he was tired :o)

We ate lots of great food. Jack ate friend rice or a noodle dish two meals a day for the week. He was in heaven! I said it was going to be hard for him to come home, where I feed him peanut butter and jelly :o)

Some friends from school happened to be staying at the same place we were. So, one morning they graciously volunteered to watch Jack, so Bryan and I could go on a snorkel expedition. It was really great! TONS of fish, and a sea turtle! A first for us both!
On the weekend we headed back to KL for Bryans school conference. They have a Chilis (my favorite in the world!) yum! On Sunday, while Bryan was busy, Jack and I took in the local park, wading pool and pool at the hotel. It was a fun way to end the trip.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

not feeling well..

I love this one... He decided to put his shoes on while wearing nothing else, then was carrying around his blanket ;o)

He was super cranky while I was making dinner, so I let him put his feet in the sink... Pretty soon he was naked and all in!

Jack was a little until the weather this week. Lots of laying around... still pretty happy though. He crashed out on the couch for a couple of late afternoon naps, which was fun for me becuase he never does that.

Monday, February 8, 2010

a day in the life of a driver...

I followed Jack around this morning and took these pictures in the span of about 1 hr. He's still driving by my feet in the computer room as I type. I didn't keep taking pictures, but I could have :o) Here's my house in its current form- a parking lot.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Football and Poker

This past week we had two really fun nights with friends. We had a few people over earlier in the week to watch the Vikings lose at football, and then this weekend Bryan and I both played poker with a few friends. Actually, the guys have done it every few months, but this was the first time some girls got together as well. I took Jack with me, and did well playing my first poker game ever, even if I didn't win :o) Was a blast with friends though and Jack loved snacking all night!
Football action!


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